Product enhancement and the focused extension of the product portfolio is a major issue for software development company. Participation in international and national research projects helps to stay on the leading edge in the fields of interest. Exploratory developments carried out in the framework of international research projects are taken up by SMR, the goal being their commercialization.
Recent projects at SMR include coupled aero-thermal simulations of the reentry phase of a space test vehicle (ESA project), as well as developments with SMR's products, such as the common mesh refinement method and mesh deformation techniques for coupled simulations.
SMR has participated and currently participates in several research projects. EC-funded research projects allow small companies like SMR to improve software using the latest technologies, to get access to leading edge know-how, to stay in contact with colleagues throughout Europe, to get our products known in a wider scientific context, and to collaborate with partners using our products.
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Production and analysis of lattice and geodesic aircraft fuselage barrels, an FP7 project (ongoing). |
ALaSCA | Advanced Lattice Structures for Composite Airframes, a 7th Framework Programme project. |
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DAEDALOS Dynamics in aircraft engineering design and analysis, a 7th Framework Programme project. |
glFEM | Generic linking of finite element based models, a 7th Framework Programme project. |
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Smart high lift devices for next generation wings, a 7th Framework Programme project. |
COCOMAT | Improved Material Exploitation at Safe Design of Composite Airframe Structures by Accurate Simulation of Collapse, a 6th Framework Programme project. |
TAURUS | Technology Development for Aero-elastic Simulations on Unstructured Grids, a 5th Framework Programme project. |
BOJCAS | Bolted Joints in Composite Aircraft Structures, a 5th Framework Programme project. |
HICAS | High Velocity Impact of Composite Aircraft Structures, a BRITE-EURAM III Programme project |
JULIUS | Joint Industrial Interface for End-user Simulations ESPRIT Research Programme. |