B2000++ Verification Suite
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Solid Mechanics
- 2.1. Static Analysis
- 2.2. Buckling Analysis
- 2.2.1. Slit Open Annular Plate
- 2.2.2. Linear Buckling of Box Beam
- 2.2.3. Channel Section Beam Problem
- 2.2.4. Curved Panel
- 2.2.5. Cylinder under Torsion Load
- 2.2.6. Hinged Cylindrical Shell
- 2.2.7. Euler Buckling of Beam
- 2.2.8. L-Shaped Frame
- 2.2.9. Hexadome
- 2.2.10. Cylindrical Panel (PSC5)
- 2.2.11. Cylindrical Panel (Verolme)
- 2.3. Transient (Dynamic) Analysis
- 2.4. Free Vibration
- 2.5. Material Failure
- 2.6. Model Reduction
- 3. Heat Flow Analysis
- 4. FE Model Converter Tests
- 5. Coupled Problems
- 6. Basic System Tests
- 6.1. Beam Element Tests
- 6.2. Constraint Tests
- 6.3. Hyperelasticity Tests
- 6.4. Invariance Tests
- 6.5. Laminate Test
- 6.6. Loads and Boundary Conditions
- 6.7. Mass and Volume
- 6.8. Model Description language (MDL) Tests
- 6.9. Shear Deformation Tests
- 6.10. Shell Element Test
- 6.10.1. Membrane and bending patch test
- 6.10.2. Stresses in Shells (Cantilever)
- 6.10.3. Shell 1 element test 1
- 6.10.4. Membrane patch test
- 6.10.5. Shell 1 Element Test 5
- 6.10.6. Shell 1 Element Test (eccentricity)
- 6.10.7. One Element Test with Large Strain
- 6.10.8. One Element Test with Plane Strain Condition
- 6.11. Solid Elements
- 6.12. Spring Element Tests
- 6.13. Basic Thermal Stress Tests
- 7. SPLISS Solver Tests
- 8. Bibliograpy
- Index